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Walter Internal
@Walter learning

Internal tool created to manage Learning Video Platform Solution

Who are they ? What are they doing ?

Walter Learning is a French Start up that designs, creates and broadcasts online training for professionals.

They allow all professionals to increase their skills and deepen their knowledge while opening up to new professional opportunities. By taking their online training courses, the user is guaranteed access to accurate and up-to-date information. Their professional training courses adapt to all learning levels: whether you have a beginner or advanced level, you will find useful tips, tricks and recommendations.

My assignment

Create a simple and effective tool to facilitate communication between the product , pedagogy and marketing teams to create learning content together.

Synchronise the process between all departments to be more efficient, modular and accessible to all with different permission levels and different views.

How ?

By performing the following tasks:

  • Analyze user behavior and pain points for each team member, ensuring an easier user experience through user tests, interviews and data analysis.

  • Re-think & re-build all the existing tool services and develop new ways to create courses, chapters, lessons, packages, etc.

  • Design a simple platform with neutral elements that combine the information necessary to manage our websites, launch new products (or new packages) and transmit the information to the marketing and sales teams.

  • 📌 In brief