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Walter Admin
@Walter learning

Internal tools to track and analyse learner profiles

Who are they ? What are they doing ?

Walter Learning is a French Start up that designs, creates and broadcasts online training for professionals.

They allow all professionals to increase their skills and deepen their knowledge while opening up to new professional opportunities. By taking their online training courses, the user is guaranteed access to accurate and up-to-date information. Their professional training courses adapt to all learning levels: whether you have a beginner or advanced level, you will find useful tips, tricks and recommendations.

My assignment

  • Create a simple and effective tool to follow our user’s journey and centralise their data all in one place!

  • The goal of this platform is to have very structured user files to collect data but also to give our customer service a very concrete view of our learner's journey.

  • This tool also allows them to have access to all the information necessary to quickly identify and solve user pain points.
  • How ?

    By performing the following tasks:

  • Analyze our customer service’s behaviours and pain points, ensuring an easier user experience through user tests, interviews and data analysis.

  • Design a simple tool with neutral elements that combine the information needed by our customer service in order to help and monitor all the users regardless of their progress and answer all their potential questions.
  • In brief